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The process of reviewing can take more than six months, depending on the size of the component or website provided by the user. We also encourage articles on our website. However, the articles that are published are subjected to extreme scrutiny and fact-checking so that we do not compromise on our website’s quality. Comparatively, the process of reviewing an article to be published is not too extensive. Our employees shall get back to the user if we accept the submitted article.
Our website can also be contacted for marketing. The user wanting to promote his or her product or service can contact us with any media enquiries, any ideas for collaboration, or any commercial queries to our marketing team.
We also have an editorial team with open arms that welcomes freelancers to publish their cricket news articles, cricket guides, features, and add ons to attract more traffic and provide inspiration to our readers.
Did you just win a game? Want to spread happiness? The users can also share with us their victory if they hit the jackpot. It can also be featured on our website!
If you have any questions or find any errors in our articles, you can contact us at [email protected]